تنوير عن تكافل – الجزولي صديق – مؤسس تكافل
تنوير عن تكافل
الجزولي صديق
مؤسس تكافل
لندن – المملكة المتحدة
14 سبتمبر 2019
ينحصر عمل تكافل فى تحمل تكاليف تجهيز الجثمان ودفنه فى بريطانيا أو ترحيله الى موطنه
Takaful’s work is limited to pay the cost of burying the body in Britain or the repatriation homeland
Sudan Knowledge (SK) is a global forum that brings together experts from across the world to discuss issues relating to sustainable development, science and technology management in Sudan without promoting any kind of political views and/or ideologies among the different stakeholders in and outside Sudan.
Youth Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship Knowledge Economy Environment Innovation development Sustainability Universities africa Obesity UAE Health Capacity Building Education Knowledge Management Diaspora Knowledge R&D Sudan