د.مصطفى الفقي : لن ينقذ العالم العربي إلا ثوره فكريه وثقافيه وتعليمية
لقاء هام مع د. مصطفى الفقي
دبلوماسي مرموق يتمتع بخبرة واسعة جدآ في المجالين السياسي والثقافي مشهود له بمساهمته القيمه في الساحه الدوليه .
تم تعيينه مديرآ لمكتبة الإسكندرية اعتبارًا من 28 مايو 2017.
قال الدكتور مصطفى الفقي أثناء حديثه بأن العالم العربي لن تنقذه إلا ثورة ثقافية وتعليمية وفكرية.
interview with Dr. Mostafa El Feki
highly skilled diplomat with extensive experience in the political and cultural fields garnered from a prolific career in the international arena. He was appointed Director of the Library of Alexandria as of 28 May 2017.
Dr.Mostafa ElFeki said the Arab world will only save by cultural,educational and intellectual revolution.
The mission of the MEKEI research institute is to use research and education to help transform the countries of the Middle East and North Africa to advanced, knowledge-based societies led by sustainable innovation and social advance.
Many consider the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as one of the most important emerging parts of the world economy in the 21st century. MENA is strategically vital as it produces the majority of the world’s oil. However, despite the region’s oil, most MENA countries score lower on Human Development Index (HDI) world ranking, with GDP, productivity and investment rates well below the global average. It is, therefore, becoming widely accepted that the dominant economic model of the region – based on the public sector, oil incomes and workers’ remittances – is not up to the challenges of modern globalisation and the needs of advanced knowledge-based societies. Given the apparently contradictory needs of economic growth and environmental conservation, it comes as no surprise that knowledge management, innovation and sustainable development (SD) have had such a powerful influence in contemporary discussions on the future of the region.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Economy Leadership Change Management Transformation
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates