Abu Dhabi Knowledge Management Project (2009-2011) First in Middle East
قناة علام النور عثمان أحمد الرسمية ✅ Official Channel Allam Ahmed
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aa@allamahmed.org ✉️
I Talk about: –
sustainable development, Knowledge management, Sustainability
Technology transfer, Knowledge economy, Social Enterprise
Knowledge-based economy, Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Development Goals, UNDP, Youth engagement,
Women empowerment, Science and technology, Higher education,
Research and Development, Agriculture
🌍 Regions: –
Africa, Middle East, Sudan, Middle East and North Africa
Allam is the Founding President of
World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)
Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute (MEKEI)
Founder Sudan Knowledge
bu Dhabi Knowledge Management Project (2009-2011) First in Middle East