(42) The reality of the human resources strategy and its relation to performance, Dr. Omar Salaibi
Dr. Omar Salaibi
Al Quds University
DOI: 10.47556/J.IJIKMMENA.4.1.2015.5
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the current state of human resources strategy for the Palestinian Telecommunication Group and to study the relationship between this strategy and the performance of the institution. The study aimed to investigate the effect of each of the variables, age, specialisation, experience and academic qualifications in the strategic management and its relation to human resources.
Study population: The population chosen for this study consisted of all members relevant to employment that is head of department, directors, general directors and Board directors which were only 54 persons in 2011.
Findings: The Spearman reached 0.89, and the percentage recovery was of 92% the most important was the presence of positive correlation between the adoption of strategic management of human resources and the performance.
Keywords: Human Resources Strategy, Performance