(pp.33-42) S. Bahidrah and K. A. Korkmaz ‘Barriers to the implementation of the 2030 Saudi Visions Sustainable Construction Objectives’, MEJELSD, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2017
Saeed Bahidrah* and Kasim A. Korkmaz
Eastern Michigan University School of Visual and Built Environments, Ypsilanti, MI
E-mail: sbahidra@emich.edu
E-mail: kkorkmaz@emich.edu
Purpose: This research investigates the barriers preventing the implementation of green and sustainable practices in the Saudi Construction industry.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research utilises a qualitative research approach, a case study. It relies on a comprehensive review of the literature of relevant journals in construction management to generate the findings of the study. Findings: This research found that individual, organisational and project-specific variables prevent the implementation of green practices in the Saudi construction industry. Lack of awareness, training with respect to lean construction, and a dearth of top management support to the adoption and implementation of lean construction have all slowed down the penetration of lean construction into the construction industry in Saudi Arabia.
Original/Value: This study is the first systematic analysis of the determinants of lean construction challenges in Saudi Arabia. It presents practical recommendations, the administration of workshops to construction firms’ employees, to increase their awareness and application of lean construction. It opens the door for more quantitative based research on factors facilitating the adoption of green construction models in the Kingdom.
Keywords: Lean construction; Sustainable development; Construction industry; Lean delivery systems; Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); Middle eastern construction industry; Saudi Arabia.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Saeed Bahidrah and Kasim A. Korkmaz (2017) ‘Barriers to the Implementation of the 2030 Saudi Visions Sustainable Construction Objectives’, Middle East Journal of Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.33-42.