Experts Network

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  • The results are being filtered by the country: Egypt
Photo of Dr. Reham Rizk

Dr. Reham Rizk


Reham Rizk is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the British University in Egypt. She is a member of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) and regularly contributes to debates and workshops in the MENA region on Governance and inequality.…

Photo of Prof. Hoda Ahmed El-Shamy

Prof. Hoda Ahmed El-Shamy


Dr Hoda Ahmed El-Shamy is a Professor of Microbiology. She obtained her PhD in Microbiology from the University of Alexandria in 1984. Her working experience includes Head of Microbiology at the High Institute of Public Health, University of Alexandria, (2005–2008) and Head of Microbiology & Immunology at the Faculty of Pharmacy & Drug Manufacturing, Pharos University in Alexandria (2010 to present).…

Photo of Dr. Dina Ahmed Amin

Dr. Dina Ahmed Amin

Senior Lecturer

Dina Ahmed Amin is a Senior Lecturer in Pediatrics Ain Shams University. She is concerned with managing and following nutritional and neurological cases in Ain Shams University Hospitals. She is a Member of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, the Egyptian Society of Child Neuro-Psychiatry (ESCNP) and the Gaucher Committee, project HOPE Egypt.…

Photo of Dr. Nazar M. Hassan

Dr. Nazar M. Hassan

Senior Science and Technology Advisor

Dr Nazar M. Hassan has been the Senior Science and Technology Advisor for the Arab States at UNESCO since 2009, where he has initiated several networks to build up the region’s techno-preneurship culture.…

Dr. Abeer M. N. E. Abd El Baky

Associate professor

Dr. Abeer Mohamed Nour Eldin AbdElBaky is a Research Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Pediatrics Department-NRC. She focused her research activities in different Pediatrics Fields. She had more than 14 local and international publications in hepatology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and renal fields of Pediatrics

Dr. Manal A. Mohsen

Assistant Professor

Manal Abdel Moneim Mohsen is an Assistant Professor Researcher of Child Health, at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt. She got the PhD in Child Studies, June 1990 from, Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt.…

Photo of Prof. Salwa M. A. Dogheim

Prof. Salwa M. A. Dogheim


Prof. Salwa M.A. Dogheim is an Emeritus Professor at Central Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory, Agricultural Research Centre. She Egyptian chemist, scientist, residue analyst. Recipient Certified, Ministry of Agriculture of Egypt, Food and Agriculture Organization, 1998.…

Photo of Dr. Nabih A. H. Ibrahim

Dr. Nabih A. H. Ibrahim


Dr. Nabih A. H. Ibrahim is a researcher at Food Technology Research Institute. He has supervised many types of research such as  Underreporting of food intake by the dietary recall is not universal: a comparison of data from Egyptian and American women, Vegetable oil of poor quality is limiting the success of fortification with vitamin A in Egypt and Development of the food consumption monitoring system in Egypt.

Dr. Hany El Shamy


Dr Hany El Shamy is a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political science, The British University in Egypt (BUE).

Photo of Dr. Mona Anwar

Dr. Mona Anwar

Assistant Professor

Mona Anwar is an Assistant Professor of Medical Biochemistry. She is especially interested in the effect of nutrition on the pathogenesis of different diseases. Her research has included work on antioxidants, obesity and diabetes.

Prof. Fawzia H. Hussien


Fawzia H. Hussien is a Professor Emeritus of Biological Anthropology, National Research Centre, Cairo. He received his Diploma of Children Diseases from Faculty of Medicine, Ain Sham University and PhD of Physical Anthropology from the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Commenius University, Bratislava CSSR.…

Dr. Eman R. Youness


Dr. Eman Refaat Youness is a lecturer in medical biochemistry. Her Research has included work on antioxidants, DNA damage, cancer and diabetes.

Dr. Neamat H. Dorra


Dr Neamat Hanem Dorra is currently a PhD holder at the High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University. Her research focus is sanitary microbiology. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University in 2007.…

Prof. Adel Mohamed Ali El-Asfahani


Dr. Adel Mohamed Ali El-Asfahani is Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Dept. of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt School at Cairo University in Egypt, completed his internship and residency in general medicine with subsequent Diploma in Medical Sciences.…

Photo of prof. Mervat Foda

prof. Mervat Foda


Professor Foda has two Patents: “Production of herby soft cheese”. No: 118 / 2008, and Formation of Dairy Beverage for Autistic Children 636/ 2015, the Academy of Science Research & Technology, Egypt.…

Dr. Nagwa A. Kantoush

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nagwa Abdel Aziz Kantoush is an Assistant Professor Researcher of Clinical and Chemical Pathology.

Dr. Soad Mahmoud Gomaa

Head of the Department of Environment Research

Soad Mahmoud Gomaa is the Head of the Department of Environment Research, the National Center for Social and Criminological Research. Cairo, Egypt. She has meticulously performed all the laboratory workup of this study as well as many others which are published in several national and international journals.…

Photo of Shadwa Zaher

Shadwa Zaher

Assistant Lecturer

Shadwa Zaher is an assistant lecturer at the Economics department at the British University in Egypt. She finished her Master’s degree in Economics in International Development with highest Honours at the American University in Cairo.…

Dr. Nebal Abdel Rahman Aboul Ella

Associate Professor

Dr. Nebal Abdel Rahman Aboul Ella obtained a Master in Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University and PhD in Medical Childhood Studies, Department of Medical Studies, Ain Shams University.Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Nutrition in National Nutrition Institute (NNI), General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Egypt and Administrator of NNI website and the Middle East and North Africa Nutrition Association (MENANA) website…

Prof. Mehrevan Abd El-Moniem


Prof. Mehrevan Mustafa Abd ElMoneim is an assistant professor in medical biochemistry. Her research has included work on prooxidants, antioxidants, obesity and osteoporosis disease.
