Experts Network

MEKEI, in conjunction with WASD, has built a strong network of researchers, policy makers, educators, consultants and employers from all parts of the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current developments and challenges. This directory can be used to help find, support and collaborate with experts from the network. Interested in joining the expert directory? Complete the application form. Please check your details in our directory after 48 hrs and if you can not find your name, please contact the directory coordinator at You can also join the expert directories of our sister organisation: World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and Sudan Knowledge (SK).

  • The results are being filtered by the country: UAE
Photo of Saif Al Mannan

Saif Al Mannan


Photo of Dr. Fahad Saif Harhara

Dr. Fahad Saif Harhara

Business Advisor

Fahad Saif Harhara is an Advisor in Business Development at Tawazun Economic Council. Fahad is a PhD student at Brunel University with a thesis in FDI & Technology transfer. He holds a Masters in Business Administration from the American University of Dubai, a Masters Diploma in Electricity Supply Management from Cambridge University, UK, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States.…

Prof. Aida Mohamed El-Asfahani


Prof. Aida Mohamed El-Asfahani  is Professor of Nutrition and Food Science at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Egypt with MSc degree from Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt; PhD degree from the University of Economics at Prague; and a subsequent Postdoctoral Fellow in the International Food and Nutrition program jointly organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Harvard University.…

Photo of Dr. Ayesha S. Al Dhaheri

Dr. Ayesha S. Al Dhaheri

Vice Dean

Dr. Ayesha Al Dhaheri is a vice dean of the University of United Arab Emirates. She is currently a Chairperson of the Nutrition and Health Department at the United Arab Emirates University.…

Photo of Ahmed Aljaberi

Ahmed Aljaberi


Mr. Ahmed is a business academic oriented professional with 15 years of experience in information and business field. He is a member of Strategic Management Society (SMS). He holds MSc in Information Science from North Carolina Central University, USA; Certified Knowledge Manager, Change Manager and EFQM Assessor, and a Balanced Scorecard practitioner.…

Photo of Ahmed Ginawi

Ahmed Ginawi


A  telecommunication and Internet professional.  Currently working in product development at Emirates Telecommunication corporation. Worked as Director for Internet Services Operation and Maintenance.
Was Part of the team who launched Canar Communications Co., as a new fixed/data telecom operator in Sudan
Was one of the Launch team of Mobily- The 2nd GSM Operator in KSA.…

Photo of Rolf Richard Keil

Rolf Richard Keil

General Manager

Rolf Richard Keil has joined Toray Membrane Europe AG in 2011 as the Strategic Business Development Manager for the Middle East office in Dubai. Since 2012, Rick is the General Manager of Toray Membrane Europe (Middle East Branch) and in charge of all operations in the region, including offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.…

Photo of Dr. Yasser Bentahar

Dr. Yasser Bentahar

Deputy Head

Dr. Yasser Bentahar obtained his Bachelor and Master’s in Marketing and PhD in Intelligent Management from University of Salento, Italy. In addition to these qualifications, Dr. Yasser  obtained an International Masters in e-Business Management.…

Waleed Alrawi


Mr Waleed Alrawi is a lecturer at Syscoms College in the United Arab Emirates. He received his BA degree in Business Administration and his MBA degree in Business Administration from Al-Ain University of Science and Technology, the United Arab Emirates.…

Photo of Abubakr Mohamed Khalafalla

Abubakr Mohamed Khalafalla

HSE Manager

Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) professional with excellent qualification, competence and over seventeen years’ of rich experience, including expert experience at implementing, inspecting and evaluating workplaces for safety hazards and recommending and implementing safe workplace policies and procedures according to OSHAD.…

Photo of Prof. Sidiga Washi

Prof. Sidiga Washi


Dr. Sidiga Washi is a Professor at the Department of Nutrition and Health, United Arab Emirates University. She received her PhD from Iowa State University, Majoring in Family and consumer sciences education with an emphasis on nutrition.…

Photo of Dr. Ahmed Eltigani Elmansouri

Dr. Ahmed Eltigani Elmansouri


Founded and lead Alrawabi Dairy company to become a market leader in just 6 years! I have succeeded in growing a $10 million dairy farm into a $ 200 million dairy enterprise producing and processing omega 3 milk super milk, vitamin D milk, nutriboost drinking yogurt and sell them directly to consumers.…

Photo of Prof. Djamel Eddine Laouisset

Prof. Djamel Eddine Laouisset


Former University Vice President – Algeria
Former Director of Research& Studies – National Institute for Global Strategic Studies -Algeria
Former Advisor Minister of Economy – United Arab Emirates
Visiting Professor Business School – Nottingham Business School – UK

Photo of Dr. Yasir Alnaqbi

Dr. Yasir Alnaqbi


Dr. Yasir is the Director Abu Dhabi Excellence Program – Government of Abu Dhabi. He holds PhD from Salford University, Manchester, UK, MSc Engineering Management from Brunel University, UK and MSc Project Management from George Washington University, USA.…

Photo of Dr. Ibrahim M. Abdalla Alfaki

Dr. Ibrahim M. Abdalla Alfaki

Associate Professor

Ibrahim M. Abdalla Alfaki is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics in the College of Business and Economics at the United Arab Emirates University an where he has been a faculty member since 1998.…

Dr. Maher Ibrahim


Dr. Maher Ibrahim received his PhD from the Suez Canal University/Ismailia, Egypt, specializing in education/mathematics. He has conducted various Faculty Development Programmes and published research papers in leading publications. He is now working at the American University.

Photo of Sara Mubarak Al Mehairbi

Sara Mubarak Al Mehairbi


Sara is the first MBA Knowledge and Innovation Management graduate of Brighton Business School while she was working as Manager Knowledge Management for the Department of Municipal Affairs (DMA), Government of Abu Dhabi, UAE.…

Photo of Dr. Munawwar Ali Khan

Dr. Munawwar Ali Khan

Associate Researcher

Dr. Munawwar Ali Khan is an Associate Professor of Natural Science and Public Health at the Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He received his PhD in 2001 from the Department of Urban Engineering at University of Tokyo, Japan.…

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