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Dr. Nadia Saleh Al-Amoudi

Nadia Saleh Al-Amoudi King Abd Al-Aziz UniversityNutrition and Public Health


Location: Jeddah, KSA


Dr. Nadia Saleh Al-Amoudi Associate professor in nutrition and food science in girl’s college of home economics and arts at King Abd al-Aziz University Jeddah since 2001. My master and doctoral degree in nutrition at the year 1986 and 1991 respectively. I earned 12 credit hours in 1996–1997 continuing education program “nutrition and the MD from America. At 1997 I had a certificated membership from New York Academy of science. I participate in many symposiums and published several research and studies. I discussed many of master and PhD thesis. I am teaching several courses especially clinical nutrition, meal planning and malnutrition disease.
