Dr. Abdelheq Lachachi is an associate professor at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria and the Aljouf University the Saudi Arabia Kingdom. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Master’s degree in Human Resources Management (Major in the promotion) from the University of Tlemcen, Algeria in 2008 and 2010 respectively. Then, he received his PhD degree from the University of Tlemcen in 2014. He is the president of “CNEPRU” research project titled: “The knowledge economy and its role in the economic development in the Arab world: reality and perspective: econometrics study”. He is also the reviewer at “Globelics conferences” and member of scientific committee of “Managerial and Economic researches Review” published in the University of Msila. He is also a member of Laboratory name “Evaluation des politiques économiques en Algérie POLDEVA”. He is an author and co-author of six books and manuals in Arabic and French languages. He has published 20 papers in various journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests are in Human resources Management, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Economy, Innovation Management, Intellectual Capital and Learning organization.