Ali Elkamel is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering and BSc in Mathematics from Colorado School of Mines, MS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder, and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University (West Lafayette), Indiana. His specific research interests are in computer-aided modelling, optimization and simulation with applications to energy production planning, sustainable operations and product design. He has supervised over 70 graduate students (of which 30 are PhDs) in these fields and his graduate students all obtain good jobs in the chemical process industry and in academia. He has been funded for numerous research projects from government and industry. His research output includes over 190 journal articles, 90 proceedings, over 240 conference presentations, and 30 book chapters. He is also a co-author of four books; two recent books were published by Wiley and entitled Planning of Refinery and Petrochemical Operations and Environmentally Conscious Fossil Energy Production.