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Professor Adams was the Head of Department of Economics at the British University in Egypt from 2011 until August 2018 and was previously Director of the China-EU Research Centre based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was also the Economic Policy Adviser to Age Scotland prior to joining the BUE. He has published widely in the field of economics in both national and international academic journals, is the co-author of several textbooks including ‘Research Methods for Business & Social Science Students’ now in its second edition and used in N. America, Asia, Europe and Australasia by both under and postgraduate students. He has worked as external examiner at the Universities of Dundee, Sussex, Abertay and Hong Kong. Professor Adams has also undertaken consultancy assignments for a wide range of public and private sector organisations in the UK and overseas. He is currently a visiting Professor at three Universities in China and supervises Masters and Doctoral students at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. His research is mainly focused on economic development and on the process of development. Professor Adams also provides training to Investment Promotion Agencies in several countries on attracting, managing and evaluating FDI. This includes risk analysis, country evaluation and project appraisal undertaken for senior staff in the private and public sector.