Belgian from Sudanese origin, born n Elsuki (Sudan) 01/02/1946, Married; Agricultural engineer (Ministry of Agriculture) in Sudan 1972 – 1990; Work with the World Bank in Sudan 1979 – 1981; Rehabilitation programs for irrigated sector in Sudan –New Halfa; Agricultural section director NHAPC Sudan 1981 -1982; Private work in the agricultural sector in Sudan 1982 – 1984; Assistant managing director New Halfa irrigation scheme Sudan 1984 – 1988; Researcher (in Gent university RUG) in agricultural economic and development 1990 -1995; Land information study officer by Amnesty International Vlanderen in Belgium 1998 – 2000; Translator in the ministry of interior Belgium Nederland- English -Arabic; Economic expert in Qatar Embassy Brussels Belgium 2004-2006; Recognized translator under oath in Belgium for Dutch – English – Arabic; Self-employed consultant in Belgium in social and economic studies and
translation from 2002 till now.
BSc. Agricultural Economics(hounr) U of K Khartoum Sudan 1972
Diploma public administration PA Institute Khartoum 1972
Master Agricultural economics and development RUG Gent 1990
Diploma Low lands countries studies RUG 1990
Diploma Remote sensing course RUG Gent 1994
Land evaluation systems course RUG 1995
Doctorate university of Gent 1996
Training in administration and Dutch language by – VDAB Gent 2002
Intercultural communication training Gent 2000
Leadership training program Beter life center Khartoum Sudan 2015