Mr. Tangasawi is a highly skilled Telecommunication expert with extensive experience in Telecom whole-sales, regulatory affairs , Fixed , Mobile , satellite and submarine networks and Telecom businesses development and strategies. Frequent speaker and presenter in regional and international related events. Fluent Arabic speaker and have excellent English language communication skills. Tangasawi has a proven experience in Telecom international businesses , managing regulatory affairs , Core networks operations and service provisioning . He has an excellent strategic approach , understanding of shareholders welfare , linkage of business activities to corporate finance, business planning and development skills , driving results over teamwork , team building and development. Tangasawi has self interest in Internet polices and regulation. Specialties: International Carrier Services and (Interconnections, National & International Roaming), ICT for Development Programs – National Broadband programs- Connect the unconnected people, Telecom Infrastructure (Internet and connectivity, Infrastructure sharing , dispute resolution, Telecom Policy making (Competition and Market Powers , MNP, cost modeling), Telecom Networks operation ( Core Network, International gateways , VSAT networks , cable landing stations , Optical transmission and Telecom VAS).