Experts Network

MEKEI, in conjunction with WASD, has built a strong network of researchers, policy makers, educators, consultants and employers from all parts of the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current developments and challenges. This directory can be used to help find, support and collaborate with experts from the network. Interested in joining the expert directory? Complete the application form. Please check your details in our directory after 48 hrs and if you can not find your name, please contact the directory coordinator at You can also join the expert directories of our sister organisation: World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and Sudan Knowledge (SK).

Photo of Dr. Moutaman Mirghani

Dr. Moutaman Mirghani

Director Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA)


Location: Khartoum, Sudan Website: Moutaman Mirghani Website


Currently, I am an Associate Research Professor at the National Center for Research (NCR), and the Director of the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA). Before, I was an Associate Professor at Karary University, where I taught both undergraduate and postgraduate students and participated in many academic and scientific committees. In addition, I directed two research centers prior to ISRA. I have excellent skills in research, teaching and industry. I have published two textbooks for students in Arabic, as well as a number of papers and articles on several periodicals and journals and have supervised many research dissertations.
