Experts Network

MEKEI, in conjunction with WASD, has built a strong network of researchers, policy makers, educators, consultants and employers from all parts of the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current developments and challenges. This directory can be used to help find, support and collaborate with experts from the network. Interested in joining the expert directory? Complete the application form. Please check your details in our directory after 48 hrs and if you can not find your name, please contact the directory coordinator at You can also join the expert directories of our sister organisation: World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and Sudan Knowledge (SK).

Photo of Saeed Bahidrah

Saeed Bahidrah

Doctoral Student Eastern Michigan UniversityConstruction Management


Location: Ypsilanti, USA


Saeed Bahidrah is a doctoral student in Eastern Michigan University’s programme in Technology, majoring in construction management. He is interested in lean construction, sustainability and green buildings. He is currently working on his dissertation on the factors predicting construction firms’ employees’ likelihood of adopting green building practices. He holds a Masters’ degree in construction management from Eastern Michigan University. Saeed Bahidrah is also an active member of green building societies where he has been involved with the Saudi Green Buildings Council. He is conducting research projects aimed at increasing the frequency and intensity of green building practices in the Middle East.
