Guidelines for guest editors

WASD encourages Guest Editors to submit proposals for Special Issues addressing particular (specific) issue(s) of the broad theme of any of the journals or focusing on a particular country or a region. The following general guidelines may help you in preparing and editing the special issue and you can also check our current call for papers for special issues. Please send your proposal to the Managing Editor (

General Information

Please send the following details:

  • Name, title, specialisation, short CV, editorial experience, institution, country, full postal address (preferably with tel., fax and email address).
  • You are free to choose the topic of your special issue.
  • You need first to formulate the aims, and objectives as well as focus and subject coverage of the special issue in the form of ‘ call for papers ‘ (to send to invited authors).
  • Identify authors to invite; and appoint a panel of referees to help you in your task.
  • You can invite other Co- Guest Editors to help you in your task, if you may wish to do that.
  • At this stage there are no restrictions on the size and number of high quality papers accepted for publication in the special issue. However, if you would like to publish 12 – 15 papers, for example, you need to invite at least 30 experts to write papers for the special issue.
  • Guide for authors and sample papers as well as information about the refereeing process and information about other relevant journals can be obtained from our editorial office (

Refereeing Process

  • Each paper is to be refereed by two referees, initially.
  • If one referee accepted the paper and one rejected it, the paper should be send to a third referee and his/her decision is final.
  • You can choose your referees to help you, as you may wish, from experts in the subject of the special issue.
  • Since the refereeing process is a blind one, you can also use some of the authors as referees if you have problems in appointing enough referees.
  • Refereeing forms of the journals are available upon request which can be adapted for the special issue.

Time Table

  • Allow four months for invited authors to submit the first draft of their papers.
  • Two month for the refereeing process and to inform the authors with the outcome of the refereeing process and any changes requested by the referees.
  • Two month for authors to resubmit to you the final manuscript of their papers after incorporating any changes requested by the referees.
  • When you receive the final manuscripts of all referees, corrected by authors and accepted papers, please send them to us to process for publication.
  • The publication process takes up to a period of six month from the date in which we receive all the accepted papers.
  • The corresponding author of each paper will receive, by email, the proofs of his/her paper to check. S/he must return the corrected proofs within fourteen days in order to avoid any delays in publishing the special issue.
  • It is the responsibility of authors to check and correct any errors in their papers before publication.

Paper Submission

  • a contents list of the special issue
  • a title of the special issue
  • a short Editorial to introduce the special issue each
  • complete paper should be supplied in MS Word to the Editor-in-Chief
  • title of paper
  • names of author(s) and complete addresses with email address of each author
  • keywords (up to 10 words)
  • biographical notes of no more than 100 words for each author
  • an abstract of no more than 50 words
  • references (using the Harvard short reference system)
  • each paper must have the Copyright form completed