Experts Network

MEKEI, in conjunction with WASD, has built a strong network of researchers, policy makers, educators, consultants and employers from all parts of the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current developments and challenges. This directory can be used to help find, support and collaborate with experts from the network. Interested in joining the expert directory? Complete the application form. Please check your details in our directory after 48 hrs and if you can not find your name, please contact the directory coordinator at You can also join the expert directories of our sister organisation: World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and Sudan Knowledge (SK).

  • The results are being filtered by the locality: Khartoum

Dr. Yassir Abbas Saeed

Assistant Professor

Dr. Yassir Abbas Saeed has been an assistant professor of economics at the school of management studies, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan, since 2004. He holds a PhD in Development Planning from Graduate College, University of Khartoum.…

Prof. Hamid H. M. Faki

Professor and National Expert

Professor Hamid H. M. Faki is currently a Freelance Professor and National Expert for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Sudan. He earned his PhD degree from Universitate of Hohanhiem in Germany.…

Photo of Mohammed Abduallah

Mohammed Abduallah

Project Management Consultant

Project management consultant with over 15 years of expereince

Rayan Mohammed Ahmed Madani

Reserach Assistant

Ms Rayan Mohammed Ahmed Madani is a research assistant at ENRRI. She holds a BSc Honours degree in biotechnology science from Omdurman Islamic University. She has attended many training courses in Sudan in molecular biology, micro-RNA and DNA CHIP technology and computational chemistry.…

Fatima Salaheldin Mohamad Ali


Fatima Salaheldin Mohamad Ali works as a researcher at the National Center for Research (NCR), Sudan. She also works as a volunteer on the executive committee of the Sudanese Knowledge Society (SKS).…

Amro Abdallah Hasanen Mohamed


Amro Abdallah Hasanen Mohamed holds a master degree in Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Control from University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST), Sudan. He is currently applying to complete his PhD on enhancing the Bio-availability of an Oral Anticancer Drug through Liposomal Drug Delivery System.

Dr. Awad Galal Osman Mohamed

Associate Professor

Dr Awad Galal Osman Mohamed is Associate Professor of soil microbiology currently working as a manager of the Central Laboratory, Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, National Centre for Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.…

Dr. Ibrahiem Saeed Ibrahiem

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Ibrahim Saeed Ibrahim is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Soil and Environment Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, where he teaches the graduate and postgraduate courses in Soil Sciences.…

Thuraya Ali Mohammed

Teaching Assistant

Thuraya Ali Mohammed earned a BSc (Agric. Honors) in 2004 from the University of Sebha, Libya. She recently received her MSc (agriculture) from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum. Currently she is a part time Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, teaching soil microbiology, soil ecology, soil fertility and soil physics practical courses.

Photo of Dr. Elsheikh Elsiddig Badr

Dr. Elsheikh Elsiddig Badr

Secretary General

Dr Elsheikh Badr is a consultant public health physician with expertise in health system and human resource development. He gained his basic medical degree and postgraduate public health diploma and fellowship in community medicine from Sudan; his masters degree in health policy, planning and management from the University of Leeds in addition to the fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians in the UK.…

Photo of Dr. Nahid Fawi

Dr. Nahid Fawi

Associate Professor

Associate professor in the University of Khartoum  Manager of Animal Training & Extension center at the Faculty of Animal production. interested in Marketing and Farm business Management.

Azhari Ibrahim


Azhari Ibrahim graduated from University of Khartoum, Sudan and holds MSc in agricultural economics. He has interest in agricultural policy analysis and agricultural trade modelling.

Photo of Prof. Ahmed Fahal

Prof. Ahmed Fahal


Prof. Fahal trained in medicine at the University of Khartoum, Sudan. He then pursued his post-graduate surgical training in Khartoum and London leading to a consultant surgeon position at Soba University Hospital, Sudan.…

Photo of Dr. El Tayeb Mustafa

Dr. El Tayeb Mustafa


Dr. Mustafa is a Founding Member of the Arab Academy of Sciences, a Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Science (Belgium), the Secretary of the UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee in Charge of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems and Editor-in-Chief of the UNESCO Science Report.…

Photo of Prof. Ali Saad Mohamed

Prof. Ali Saad Mohamed


Prof. Ali Saad Mohamed graduated from the University of Khartoum in 1971 as a veterinary surgeon. He was promoted to District Veterinary Officer in 1973 and worked as a Zoo Veterinary Officer from 1973-1975.…

Photo of Elhussein Badri

Elhussein Badri


I worked in Central Bank of Sudan since (Sep 2005-2009) as statistician in Banking and Financial institution Division on Statistics Directory, and as Economist on Research & policies Directories– (2009-up to now).…

Dr. Mirghany O. Babiker

Senior Consultant

Dr. Mirghani O. Babiker MBBS U of K, DMRD London, FRCR London Dr. Babiker graduated with MBBS from the University of Khartoum, Sudan in 1975. He got training until 1981 in different medical disciplines at Khartoum and Blue Nile Province.…

Prof. Alsafi Ahmed Abdella Bala

Associate Professor

Dr Alsafi Ahmed Abdella Bala is an associate professor in Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Imaging at Sudan University of Science and Technology. He supervises the scientific undergraduate and postgraduate ultrasound scientific research both inside and outside Sudan.…

Sufyan A.M. Osman

Head of the Agricultural Unit

Sufyan Abd Elrzig Mohmmed Osman works as the Head of the Agricultural Unit in the Khartoum Refinery Company in Khartoum-Sudan. He was awarded the Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Ranger Sciences, and Master of Science in Environment and Forestry from Sudan University of Science and Technology in 2002 and 2013 respectively.…
